Sunday, February 20

This blog has now moved to a new home

the new URL is

you will be redirected in a few seconds or click on the link above

Monday, February 14


cat attack


old school craft - kept me up a night fretting


Kaffe and Brandon talk stripes

happy valentines to you all

still here .......just

and currently finding it difficult to load photos - pooh

and thinking about moving blog homes


so news soon

Monday, January 31

Running some more

I ran over the new iron cove bridge on Saturday morning

and past my favorite bit of graffiti ever

I did miss a run on Thursday due to work - but still managed over 10kms for the week

running til 24th Jan 2011 - 11.8kms

I will need a few days to sort out winners, actually give me another week and call me slack instead

Saturday, January 22

an extension and some more running

I am still alive
& I completed and survived the first day of shoot yesterday

It sounds great to say that I spent the day at the beach - but all day the water and sun tortured me as I was working and couldn't swim - as I had to go back to the office after.  I did work on my tan inadvertently and the arms are red brown at the moment.

Anyway I have been running heaps and wanted to report on the last two weeks

Week 2 of 2011 I ran a total of 25.9kms, and I rode 5.2kms to meet up with Kris for a run around Sydney Park.

Week 3 of 2011 I ran a total of 17.9km - might try for a quick one in the morning depending on how tired I am

Total so far this year - 60.9kms which according to calculations is way beyond expectations but I set the bar low for this reason exactly. Trying to balance motivation and the pressure not to fail.  That sweet spot where it is achievable if the odds are against me any particular week.

I have also been meditation 5 out of the 7 days in the last two weeks.

By managing to meet up with my running buddies which is a great tonic to work - and keeps my sanity in check by providing and alternate view to the world outside of a tv production.  Working 12 hours and more a day does somehow twist normality as you see your work colleagues more than anyone else.  Reality starts to skew towards the world you are creating rather than what is happening in the real world.  Sadly the past two weeks so much has been going on here with the rain both north and south, this is not the alternate reality anyone wants.

I am extending the deadline on the blog birthday thing til the end of the month - so go over here and comment to be in for the win - and I will post overseas!!!!

Wednesday, January 12

Veggies of my garden

Originally uploaded by miss_fee

these are all from my garden - the photo is dark as it was late last night when I took this

This is the third cucumber and they are delicous

Tuesday, January 11


Originally uploaded by miss_fee

I went to the beach and didn't get to swim

I just got to check out the surf club and stare longingly at the surf

Monday, January 10

an another idea over there

check this out

what do you think?

happy blog birthday to me

today my blog is 4
thanks to S.V. for this phot

and wow I can't believe all that has happened to me in the past 4 years.

The knitting, the moving, the cats and best of all the Sock Victim.

So as a thank you for reading my blog I am giving away some sock yarn.

I have 4 socks worth to give away - one for each year of blogging

sock wool

Can you guess any of the yarns....

Leave me a comment, what you would do with the yarn, if you prefer any colour over another and next Sunday winners will be announced.