Wednesday, September 26

Very exciting

It is getting very excitable in my part of the world
first there is the summer of socks on which I made a pledge and got a response from the sock victim - of which I was very excited. Has anyone cured their own bacon before?

What does this mean - well he is on his way south - and we have a definite date and possibly even a job - but I don't want to jinx it even though I am knitting good luck job interview tofutsie socks for the interview in Sydney very soon.

The countdown in the side bar is correct now - well to the day I go north and pack him up. Well the thing is moving stuff around is sort of what I do for work - a glorified furniture removalist we used to joke- so into practice it goes. Although the last time I move it was sister #2 who was the hero of the day - the removalist arrived at my old flat at 7am and by 1 am I was in my new flat unpacked dazed and wondering what happened all thanks to #2 and Aurelia in the pram at the time. George just kept putting stuff away as I was cleaning saying to me if it's not the right place you can move it later. She has this habit - well it is a family trait- of moveing and one day later it looks like shes lived there forever. So that is why I am packing up - with help of course.

1 comment:

Bex said...

dude - its the same amount of time til we go to India!

