Thursday, January 10

Eats shoots and leaves....

I get a scose report in my in box each month from the ABC Language Research Specialist. Today I actually opened it - it was very funny like a grammer marking exercixe for all of the written content throughout the ABC.

For example
"Too often reporters use the stale old formula X happened after Y happened:

‘A railway bridge at Leichhardt in Sydney’s inner west has been badly damaged after a truck hit it earlier this morning.’

Did something else damage the bridge after the truck hit it? No. What the writer meant was:

‘A railway bridge at Leichhardt in Sydney’s inner west was badly damaged when a truck hit it earlier this morning."

and you should also check this out

1 comment:

M-H said...

Your post warmed the heart of this old pedant. I'm forever correcting radio and TV newsreaders. just ask Sandra! I know they don't write the stuff, but sometimes I despair. 'post' anything drives me demented - what was wrong with 'since' and 'after'?