Tuesday, October 20

20 days in

I am really enjoying this commitment to my blog - I am hoping that I am not boring you with the odd assortment of posts over the month so far.

If passed this flower on the way home yesterday and it really made me think of spring. How good would this colour way look in a scarf - shame they aren't my colours.

A friend found me and S.V. these on a recent trip - how good are they and a reminder of our little adventure last year.

Finally a naughty sneak peak at what I have been up to over the last few weeks preparing new books for my day job.


Rose Red said...

Little Ted Goes to Bed! weeeeeeeee!

Love the lego men. Love lego!

Virginia G said...

I've been enjoying writing daily on my blog as well. It's been a nice way to jumpstart my creative brain!

And your dayjob looks interesting! I can't wait to read back through your blog and figure out what you do...

DrK said...

im totally loving fees random daily thoughts! and a certain teddy bear running around in his pyjamas? whats going on down there at aunty?!

Aussie Maria said...

On seeing those flowers my first thought was "how can I use those colours??????"

LynS said...

...and I'm REALLY enjoying your commitment to our blog.

LynS said...

That should, of course, read 'your' blog - though you do encourage a feeling of participation in the reader!

missfee said...

it's your blog too Lyn

Unknown said...

I'm enjoying very much watching all the hard work my blogtoberfest buddies are doing!

I've always loved the colours of lantana. Did you use to make little endless chains of lantana flower by pushing the little petal cones into each other? Hours of girlie fun!