Tuesday, October 14

finally some pictures to go with the stories

These are for my dear darling friend who has been very ill lately. They are bright and cheering and are in the post on their way to Orange for her now. I had great fun with this colourway - some Patonyle picked up from The Silver Thread on my recent trip up north for $2 a ball!!!!!
They also mark the first official pair of socks for SSS this year

My garden

This is the Hemlock Ring Blanket which I cast on last Thursday unpicked due to the wrong size needles and recast on Friday. 5 days later and thanks to a virus it is finished - although I am now worried it is a bit small. It is currently soaking reading for a block - how as yet I am not sure. And I must thank Bells for the inspiration but not the obsession which took over in my knitting as I neared the finish line.

1 comment:

Bells said...

Oh hooray! I hope it grows once blocked. Mine did, although it shrank back a bit. How many repeats did you do?