Saturday, December 22


finally on holidays - had small gathering of designers from my department, past and present, last night after a surprisingly busy day chasing up paperwork and decisions for next year. Dinner was fun - but I really missed my regular Friday night with the sock vicitm - it has become our regular date night.

Went to bed lusting over knitting pron
Off to Fratelli fresh for vitals in a moment.

But a bit of house keeping first

so as my secret pal won't be alerted I am posting a picture of this here.....

The tea cosy for the swap on Ravelry

and the Xmas tree that I succumbed to yesterday in Spotlight - next year we will get a menorah as well

1 comment:

Denyse said...

Are you an Xmas/Hanukah house too?

Xmas is winning.